
Change to Wednesday Timetable


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​After wide consultation with our school community, we are excited to announce the change to our Wednesday timetable. Our decision to implement this change was not made lightly, and is something that we believe will be a positive change for all.

Starting from the beginning of Term 3, Wednesday's will finish early at 1:25pm.

School hours starting Term 3, 2023.

​Monday | Tuesday | Thursday | Friday
We​dnesday*** ​​​
Roll Class8:55 – 9:05amPeriod 18:55 – 10:05am
Period 19:05 – 10:15amPeriod 210:05 – 11:15am
Period 210:15 – 11:25amLunch 111:15 – 11:55am
Lunch 111:25 – 12:05pmPeriod 311:55 – 1:05pm
Period 312:05 – 1:15pmParade1:05 – 1:25pm
Lunch 21:15 – 1:45pm

Students to depart*

Lunch 2**

1:25 – 1:55pm
Period 41:45 – 2:55pmIndependent Study**1:55 – 2:55pm

*All students finishing early are to leave school site by 1:55pm.

**For students who are required to remain at school until 2:55pm.

***This is an approved variation to the usual school routine, and will not impact on your student's school attendance requirements for any study assistance.​ ​

We believe that when teachers plan together, our students achieve more. The change to our timetable will provide our teachers an extra hour each week to collectively improve and plan engaging lessons and assessment tasks.

We understand that not all students will be able to find a way home prior to 2:55pm. For students who are unable to find a way home, such as those who take the Rothery and Youngs Bus Services, a mobile-free space will be provided to undertake silent, independent study.

Students staying at school until 2:55pm will be monitored by Teacher Aides, and given access to the library, school computers and the internet to undertake silent study, homework, assessment tasks, or free-time without the use of mobile phones.

The Tuckshop will be open both Lunches on Wednesdays. Students leaving school early can purchase from the Tuckshop, but must leave school grounds by 1:55pm. Pre-orders are encouraged.

To assist us with our duty of care, each student requires parent/carer signed permission to leave early on Wednesday afternoon. Please see the Wednesday Early Departure Permission Form which must be completed, and returned to your student/s Roll Class teacher as soon as possible.​​

Without a signed permission form, students will be required to undertake independent study within the provided space until 2:55pm on Wednesdays.

Once students are released at 1:25pm on Wednesdays, they are to leave school grounds. Students are not permitted to return to school grounds for any reason, until the following school day.

We wish to thank all those who provided feedback by participating in our online feedback survey, informal discussions with myself, and information sessions held at Parent-Teacher Interviews this Term.

We look forward to working together to ensure your students achieve better school results.

Kind Regards,
Brendan Shannon

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Last reviewed 11 July 2023
Last updated 11 July 2023