A Community Education Counsellor (CEC) provides educational counselling and support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. They participate in, design and undertake support programs and activities, in and out of school, likely to enhance and encourage the active involvement of First Nation students and their families in education.
To assist in the educational advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, CEC's establish and maintain links with external sources of information and community support services. This also includes the application and utilisation of State and Commonwealth funds and funded school-based programs that focus on ASTI students.

Whilst working for the benefit of First Nation students, a CEC provides information and education to the school community about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and cultural perspectives.
Dauareb woman from the Murray Islands (Eastern Torres Strait), Lency Mann is Glenmore's current CEC. Married into the Darumbal nation, Lency has worked at Glenmore High for over 10 years in various roles. She is passionate about supporting young people in their journey of learning, both as part of their academic education and their identity in cultural connections.
Please don't hesitate to contact Lency Mann via email lmann43@eq.edu.au, to chat about how she can assist your student/s.