The Youth Support Coordinator Initiative (YSCI) is implemented in a range of schools to support retention and attainment of young people who have disengaged, or who are at risk of disengaging, from education. The initiative enhances opportunities for further education and sustainable future employment. This initiative is implemented at Glenmore SHS through the employment of a Youth Support Coordinator (YSC).
Our YSC, Jo Harris supports students through a range of ways, these include:
- Refer at-risk students to appropriate agencies and support services that will assist students to overcome barriers to education and training.
- Provide individual support, case management, and where appropriate, group support, to students to maximise their engagement with education and training.
- Identify barriers to young people achieving outcomes and referral to appropriate support services.
- Maintain records of student contact on a daily basis.
- Support students to achieve satisfactory learning outcomes.
- Develop and monitor post program support, as required, to meet program performance criteria.
- Develop and foster relationships between the school and families of students to assist at-risk students to remain engaged with education or training.
- Conduct home visits with students and their families, as appropriate, to advise and provide strategies for a more positive educational experience.
- Be part of the professional team working with the school and the community, and liaise with students, teachers, parents, guidance officers, special needs teacher, administrative officers, officers of welfare agencies, and other government departments.
- Monitor attendance patterns of students or groups of students, and in accordance with the school's attendance plan, implement early intervention strategies.
- Inform and educate parents, community members and students on relevant issues that may be impacting student engagement.
- Develop and implement programs to support social and emotional wellbeing, as required e.g. addressing social skills, assertiveness or self-esteem.
- Identify and provide appropriate assistance to students experiencing difficulties at school and at home, which may put them at risk of leaving school prematurely.
- Coordinate the Blue Edge program with our School Based Police Officer (SBPO).
Working at Glenmore SHS for the last 15 years, initially as a Teacher Aide, Jo Harris moved into the YSC role in 2018.
With her involvement with the Glenmore High P&C Association, Jo also helps to distribute grocery hampers to families in need, coordinate lunches for students with no food, and assist Tuckshop staff to run the Breakfast Club.
Students can make an appointment to visit Jo Harris by seeing the office staff at Student Services.
To contact Jo Harris to discuss your student, please email