Every four years each Queensland state school is reviewed by the Department of Education. This year was Glenmore State High School's turn.
Over three days, Monday 30 May to Wednesday 1 June 2022, a three-person review team were on-site to consult with Staff, Students, Parents and Carers, and Community Members and Stakeholders.
The consultation determined five key improvement strategies for the continued growth of Glenmore State High School (pictured above). These improvement strategies are the priority of Glenmore SHS moving forward for the next four years.
An executive summary report was also provided for further detail around each of the strategies. This can be read here:
2022 EIB Executive Summary Report - GSHS (PDF, 370KB).
Along with the initial review, the Department of Education ensures follow up consultation and progress reviews, which will happen throughout the next 4 years.
For more information about school reviews visit: schoolreviews.education.qld.gov.au