
2024 Back to School Information



Happy New Year Glenmore!

We are excited for the beginning of the 2024 school year and are looking forward to seeing you on Monday 22 January at 8:50am.

This year we as a school are focussing on the academic engagement of our students. As part of this, there will be substantial work around classroom expectations, such as students having the correct equipment for each class, students completing their bookwork in a neat and consistent manner, and students completing homework and assignments on time. We would love your help in this, and ask that you start having conversations with your students around this.

​​​​Mobile Phones​

As we are sure you are aware, as of Monday, students who choose to bring their Mobile Phone or wearable device to school are required to have them turned off and away for the day. Here is our new Mobile Phones and Wearable Device Policy and Procedure (PDF, 393KB). We ask that you take the time to read it, and have conversations with your students.

The changes to our Policy will mean that students:

  • Must have phones switched off before entering the school gate, until they leave in the afternoon.

  • Are to store their switched off phone in their school bag, pocket or a school hired locker.

  • Must have all notifications, noises and vibrations disabled on their wearable devices, such as smart watches.

  • Must bring cash or physical bank card to make payments for such things as the Tuckshop, Uniform Shop, extracurricular activities, and fees and levies.

All of these expectations extend to school activities, such as representative sport, camps and excursions, unless an exception is made by myself.

Students who require access to a mobile phone or wearable device as part of their medical or support plan, must submit an exemption form with evidence for approval prior to being able to use their device for this purpose. Please see the Mobile Phone Exemption Form (PDF, 184KB) here.

​Day 1 - Monday 22 January 2024

​With day 1 of school fast approaching, we wish to remind our families that Student Resource Scheme information and booklists are available on our school website on the Resource Scheme page. Please ensure you get all the required equipment to start the year off well.

We will again be offering our Laptop Hire project to our Year 11 and 12 students. All those students opting to participate must return their forms with payment prior to receiving their device.

​Students are required to arrive to school in full school uniform, as per our Stu​dent Dress Code (PDF, 417KB)​. This means, school shirt, school shorts or plain black shorts, plain black or white socks, and fully black lace-up shoes. For those needing new Uniforms, our P&C operated Uniform Shop has been working hard to fulfil​ all the back-to-school orders. They will ​​be open from 8am to 12pm each day during week 1, excluding Australia Day.

Before arriving to school on Monday, we ask that all our year 8 to 12 students check their timetable on DayMap to find out what roll class they are in.

On Monday, students are to meet at the MMC as soon as the bell goes at 8:50am. All year 7, 8 and 9 students will enter the ​​MMC via the Carpark side door and sit in the designated space with their roll class. All year 10, 11 and 12 students will enter the MMC via oval side door and sit in the designated space with their roll class. Roll class lists will be visible near the access doors for those without DayMap access, such as our Year 7 students.

Students are to bring with them a pencil case full of stationery, a ruler and an exercise book on Monday. See you at 8:50am

Kind Regards,

Brendan Shannon

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Last reviewed 03 February 2025
Last updated 03 February 2025