Monday 31 January 2022 – Friday 4 February 2022
Information for Students and Parents/Guardians:
Day Structure
From Monday 31/1, all year 11 and 12 students will start to engage in 4 lessons per day. For each of your subjects, you are timetabled to 3 lessons for the week. Each subject will follow this layout for the 3 lessons for the week:
- 1 online 70 minute lesson (in allocated first lesson of the week) via TEAMS.
- 70 minutes of independent work.
- 70 minutes tutorial (where the teacher is available to students either via TEAMS or Email).
Resource Collection
Drive Thru collection of hard copy work will be conducted on Thursday 27 January from 12pm to 5pm, and on Friday 28 January from 9am until 5pm. Parents will be able to drive in to the Mike Maher Centre (MMC) carpark and collect materials from staff at the MMC.
What to do initially:
We encourage all students to log on to OneSchool and access your timetable. If you have any timetable issues (i.e. Subject Changes are required), you can email the Head of Senior, Mrs Lye.
Access your school emails to read your instructions from your teachers.
Set up your own workspace at home ensuring Internet and device access is arranged.
Follow a routine, ensuring you take regular breaks throughout the day, have plenty of water, and have a healthy lunch and snacks.
Ask for help – if you are unsure of what to do, do not hesitate to email your teacher.
Student FAQs:
- How do I access my classwork and online session?
Go to to access your school emails. You will have an email from your subject teachers with instructions for the week and a link to your TEAMS session (which will generally be the first lesson of that subject for the week).
- How do I access my OneSchool Timetable?
Follow the step-by-step instructions below. - What if I don't know my 'School Logon ID'?
Call the School Office to assist you: 07 4923 0333
How to access your Timetable on OneSchool:
Step 1: Log onto OneSchool using the following website:
Step 2: Type in your 'School Logon ID' and 'Password' and select “Login". Students who do not have a Logon ID will need to call the School Office: 07 4923 0333.
Step 3: If this is the first time you have logged on, you will be asked to read and accept the conditions of use.
Step 4: From the 'Available Reports/Letters…' drop down menu select “Student Timetable – Weekly". The timetable will open. The format is the same that you receive at school.
How to access TEAMS:
For information on how to access TEAMS, click the link to the PDF below.
How to Guide for Accessing TEAMS (485KB, PDF)